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The Rain drop that Became a Tidal Wave


This has been one of the most phenomenal weeks of my life.

I live by working for the best; planning for the worst; and expecting nothing – swapping expectation for appreciation.

As my project completes week two, these three states seem to cascade over me with regular occurrence. I’m doing my best to stay focused on what I need to do and be patient, have trust that it will work out the way it’s supposed to. And believe.

On the physical aspect, so far my body, specifically my legs, are holding up really well. I’m now seven days into uncharted territory, as the most training hikes in a row I did was nine. Every day I remain rooted in how my body is feeling and climb Table Mountain accordingly.

It’s amazing how quickly our minds can race away with ideas – on the first half of the climb while my legs still feel fresh, I can get excited that perhaps my physical challenge is not going to be that difficult? And then I’m brought swiftly back down to earth on the second half of the climb when my calves, hamstrings and knees start to feel drained of energy as the gap between steps seems to grow each time I climb.

Incredibly, the place I’ve decided to place a rock to represent each day this year, is the perfect place to break this top half up. Not too high that its basically at the top and not too low that the rest of the hike would make me feel despondent. Below is my rock and the corresponding view it has (on clear days!)

Having these little landmarks to celebrate arriving at (others being the contour path and half way rock) make such a difference in ensuring my mental state is always positive about climbing the 730m vertical rise. It’s been a great lesson in how to tackle other life or business goals.


First Signpost – contour path


Halfway Rock


View from halfway rock

INSIGHT: Create short term achievable goals that help you get to your overall objective.

I’m being taught to ingrain the principles of taking life one day at a time, one step at a time. Be prepared and know what you need to do to such a degree that every time you wake up, you know exactly what needs to be done to accomplish your major goal and larger than that: your vision.

I really do believe that we are better together and it’s when our heart is at the core of what we do; that we bring others along on a combined journey. A journey that has far more power than an individual can accomplish on its own.

The story of the Rain drop

There is a story of a raindrop that from the clouds up above, saw a town suffering with a lack of water. A natural dam had formed upstream, blocking the flow of water to the town.

He tried his damnedest to fall down to earth, reach the river, and break the dam down. Alas, each time he tried he failed. His heart sank as for the umpteenth time he returned to the sky unsuccessful. His best friend saw him despondent and asked him what was wrong.

Sharing his story, the friend listened keenly and just before the end of the story, another rain drop overheard him and asked him to repeat it. Determined, the three friends tried together to fall to earth, make it to the river and try smash through the dam.

Now it was three raindrops returning back to the sky with sad faces.

More people noticed the three droopy mouths and soon a large crowd formed around the three as they shared their attempt to break the wall down. The crowd started to chatter among themselves when the booming voice of a thunder cloud suggested each rain drop in the crowd gather as many of their friends and family, and get them to bring their friends and their families.

Millions upon millions of rain drops came having heard the story. The thunder cloud transported them upstream and told everybody to fall together and try land in the same spot. They listened and once they hit the land they quickly gathered in the water creating a flash flood.

In a short space of time – they broke through the natural dam, rescuing the town from the drought.

While the one rain drop wasn’t able to save the town on his own tried time and time again – it was he that sparked the others to join and with their sheer numbers and force – together saved the town.

We are better together.

Many of us discount our ideas or doubt that we can have an impact. I’m here to tell you to banish that thought from your mind. For good.

There will always be negative nancies trying to block the water, but don’t let them pull you into their reality. Stay true in your positive one.

The world needs people like you.

If all those rain drops stayed in the clouds the town would have all but died out. One act collectively can transform lives.

I’m inviting you to be part of 365 Ubuntu Climbs. I want you to close your eyes and imagine living in a shack; having children that can’t read yet and you barely earn enough to feed the family let alone send the to a better school. How would you feel hearing that you or a loved one had Leukaemia and you had a 1 in 100 000 chance of finding a match?!

Now I want you to picture:

  1. Leaving your shack behind as you get the the key to your own house…

  2. See the benefit of a new system that helps teachers educate children to read…

  3. Matches patients with donors…

Imagine getting a second lease on life when it felt like all hope had gone.

See the ripple effect as people, down and out, start being given a helping hand.

Lets this year, put the ‘humanity’ into habitat for humanity; put the ‘heart’ into One Heart for kids… and be the ‘Sunflower’ (symbolizes longevity) in the Sunflower Fund.

Humanity, Heart, Longevity.

The very things we all deserve and can work towards.


For all.

You can donate and help me here:


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