It’s hard not to see success. Many of us strive to improve ourselves and our circumstances. We live in an age of vast amounts of information and inspirational people to look up to. While it’s amazing to have all this at our fingertips; it can also become quite overwhelming.
Who is right? What should I do? Which way is best? Why after listening to all these motivational videos or talks am I still feeling a bit lost?
My experience with motivational speakers is that the majority of them have amazing stories – but they fail to connect with the ordinary person just looking for that spark to help them achieve their goals.
In short: we walk out thinking “wow that was truly incredible” but the minute the front door slams shut any inspiration felt is gone; and our life’s groove returns.
Besides the speakers inability to meaningfully translate his success formula into one we can use; I also believe people arrive at the talk without understanding their why. They walk in blind and other than wanting to ‘be inspired’ they don’t have any specific objective.
What do you mean they have not discovered their why? I hear you ask.
Great question.
What is your purpose? What is your cause? What is your belief?
This is something all of us have to dig deeper to understand and realise for ourselves.
When you figure out your why it becomes a powerful guide to link to not just organisations but other people too.
Simon Sinek is a great speaker exploring ‘the why’ (he had the second most watched talk on Ted – watch it here) and encapsulates this beautifully in one of his interviews when he states he envisions a world where all over the planet people wake up every day, inspired to go to work and come home fulfilled by the work they did.
Key word: fulfilled.
What we have done has made a difference to others; and ourselves.
Watching motivational talks and learning from those who are successful can become our personalised teacher. You watch a forty minute video and learn one thing; but that one thing may change your life.
It shouldn’t be about following people and their ideas or lessons like sheep though; but rather understanding what you’ve learnt, adapting it to your own style of being and what you want to achieve. It’s like having a chef teaching us various meals but changing the recipes to match our taste.
Maybe you don’t have a clear vision of your future? This alone can be overwhelming. Tripp Lanier has a fantastic video simplifying this into what your current passion is and what you love now; and what to do today to cultivate these experiences so we become exceptional at achieving them.
Suddenly we have a journey mind-set.
Click here to watch. In thirty one minutes you may arm yourself with some more tools for greatness.
A word of advice. One of the reasons it can feel overwhelming is because we try and do too much. Before we’ve mastered one skill we are already moving on to something else.
Slow it down.
Pick one thing to work on this week, or however long it takes you. Master it. Then move on to the next thing.
Remember: it’s in the action where all the learning really happens.
Inspiration taps into our dreams.
Motivation gets behind the wheel and drives us there.
Dream big, and change your life forever.